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This post is more than 5 years old


October 7th, 2010 15:00

Powerconnect Switches and Op Manager


​Is there anyone out there that is using Dell Powerconnect switches and Op Manager from ManageEngine? I have a Powerconnect 6248 Stack and 2 powerconnect 2848 switches and would like to monitor them inside OP Manager.​
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​ I currently have them discovered and SNMP is working correctly, but I would like to monitor some other things like CPU, Memory, Fans Power Supplies etc.​
​ ​
​ Can anyone lend a hand? I cannot seem to get the hang of SNMP, MIBs and OIDs. It is very confusing, I downloaded the MIBs from Dell and they are in a .MY format that Op Manager does not understand.​
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​ Any help would be appreciated.​
​ ​
​ Thank you,​
​ ​
​ Frank​

212 Posts

October 14th, 2010 08:00

It seems as though it should compile the My files.  If you have a Mib browser you can  find the oids you want to monitor and may be able to load them into Op Manager that way, unless it requires the MIB files themselves.  

For the 6448 (using the firmware) the MIB to use for monitoring fans, power, and temps is the FASTPATH-BOXSERVICES-PRIVATE-MIB (. .    The MIB for CPU and memory is FASTPATH-SWITCHING-MIB/agentSwitchCpuProcessGroup and are defined as follows...

CPU      . (list of processes using CPU)

             . (percentage of CPU used by each process)

.   (rollup of all CPU activity - total usage in past 5 seconds, 1 minute and 5 minutes)


Memory .  (free memory)

             .  (total memory)

If you have a MIB browser you should be able to find the same information for your 2848.  Hope this was helpful.





3 Posts

October 14th, 2010 15:00

Thanks for the reply. It's seem like I am making progress thanks it. You are right it does seem like it will read the .MY files that Dell provides, but i get errors when I do that. It looks like as it starts to load the 2 .MY files you pointed me to I get errors and is looking for linked MIBS. If I then upload what it is looking for it moves on. I am now currently stuck here:

Exception while loading MIB:IMPORTS failed: Could not find the file : C:/PROGRA~1/ADVENT~1/ME/OPMANA~1/./mibs/BROADCOM-REF-MIB

It is looking for BROADCOM-REF-MIB, Any ideas on where I find that MIB? It doesn;t seem to be located in the MIB Pack I downloaded from Dell for



212 Posts

October 15th, 2010 09:00

The file should compile into the Broadcom-Ref-Mib file you are looking for.   Try loading this one first.   See reference...,%20M6200,%20M6348,%20M8024/PowerConnect%206200,%20M6200/v%




3 Posts

October 15th, 2010 10:00

Success!!! Thank you for your help. The is what I needed i put that into OpManager and both files you pointed me to display correctly now.

2 Posts

August 8th, 2011 14:00

Hello -

I would love to know how you were able to get this working with OpManger.  I've tried loading the files but get an error every time.  I'm running firmware which the MIB"s should work for if I can get them loaded.  

98 Posts

August 8th, 2011 15:00

MIB loading order is very important and often the culprit when seeing errors during compilation. I believe the file should be the first to load.  Often you can also look into the details of the erros you are getting and it will show dependency MIBs that need to be loaded prior to the current erroring MIB.  

2 Posts

August 9th, 2011 08:00

Strange - Came back this morning and I was able to load the MIB's needed for CPU.  Now if i can just get them in the OpManager like it should be.

October 5th, 2014 03:00

I would to integrate my Dell/Force10 switches with opmanager too.. 2024P, 2048P, S4810 and S5000.

Any help, suggestion, tips, tricks,how to.. would be appreciated.

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